
Ryggvärk?mensvärk?molande värk?

Hi everyone🌺. I need some help and advice. I've been having some symptoms but not sure yet. I had my ovulation last Saturday. Me and my fiance had a lot of sex last week before ovulation. And this week few days ago I had some stomach cramps and backpain/backache and few headaches, nausea both in morning and night, sore breast, nipple pain and my period is not until 18 December. This is our forth trial hoping for a 👼💙💖 What kind of symptoms is it? What can It be? I never have cramps before my period comes.


It could definitely be that you are pregnant but it is hard to say💞 I felt nausea and tense breast with my first child. Later during my pregnancy I had some cramps in calf of my leg. Where do you feel the backpain? I wish you all the best of luck💖🤗
It could definitely be that you are pregnant but it is hard to say💞 I felt nausea and tense breast with my first child. Later during my pregnancy I had some cramps in calf of my leg. Where do you feel the backpain? I wish you all the best of luck💖🤗
Like lower back is where I have cramps. Because I never have cramps before period. Never by the stomach or backpain. Never experience that before until now😓
Felicia Berg
It sound like ovulation. I have a couple of times experienced pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen and pain in lower part of the stomach, felt swollen and sore breasts a few days / two weeks before my period. I guess you have to wait and see if you get your period or not in a few days and if not take a pregnancy test. If you had sex a few days before ovulation/on that day or one day after there is a chance of getting pregnant. But the symptoms that you are describing sound like ovulation based on my experience.